Happy New Year To YOU All!  We wish you nothing but absolute LOVE and LIGHT in this brand new year!

We are starting our year by RE-LAUNCHING one of our very favorite things- our Weekly Inspiration BLOG!  Each week we will be posting to our blog in hopes to inspire you!

This year- all year- we are focusing on HEALING, EMPOWERING, AWAKENING and TRANSFORMING.  

Our dear friend, Carol Gutzeit, has written this blog for you, along with a Brand New Book and Guided Journal to help you to heal, empower, awaken and transform.  We love her guidance and will be walking with you this year to do all of the above.  Cheers to a brand new year, another trip around the sun, and another opportunity to make a difference, be a light and inspire others to look, feel and do their best.


Leslie Denby

Owner of DYI




When you heal, empower, awaken, and transform yourself, you transform your life.  Healing your ego, empowering your mind, and awakening your soul, causes transformation.  As you change your inner world, you change your life.

"Transformation literally means going beyond your form." - Wayne Dyer




There is nothing more powerful than taking charge of yourself and your life.  Even though you've had traumatic experiences in the past that disempowered you with false beliefs about yourself, those beliefs CAN be changed, once you become aware of them.

Your brain is a tool of the mind.  It has neural pathways from past programming that formed your wounded ego.  The good news is, you have the power to create new neural pathways that will turn your wounded ego into a healthy companion for your soul.

Once your ego has been upgraded to a healthier state of mind, your soul is free to awaken and take the lead.  This causes a major shift in consciousness from fear to love.  You no longer believe there is anything wrong with you, and you wake up to who you really are.

Transformation from the ego to the soul feels like coming home to your authentic self.  You awaken your true potential and your life takes on new meaning.  No longer bound by negative programming you're free to be happy and enjoy living your life your way.

Living in the present moment with your soul in charge means you no longer have past regrets or future worries.  Depression and anxiety are conditions of the ego and have no place in your awakened life.  You naturally rise up to meet each moment with an open heart.

Going through the HEAT Process of: Healing / Empowerment / Awakening / and Transformation is the greatest gift you could give yourself.  With these four tools in your life tool belt you have everything you need to create your most authentic life.

I wrote my new book- Satori Wisdom: The Power of Healing, Empowerment, Awakening and Transformation, with a guided journal, to give you a road map, a compass, and a guide for your journey to awakening.  Would now be a good time to give yourself and others the gift of transformation?

With love and light,

Carol Gutzeit

Author & Satori Wisdom Coach


To purchase Carol's Guided Journal and Book, please see the links below.














January 12, 2023 — Leslie Denby

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