Radical acceptance is a practice that allows you to live in a state of grace. It’s about pausing before responding to connect with your heart. Once you accept what is you reclaim your strength and gain the power to respond with love rather than fear.

“Radical acceptance is the willingness to experience ourselves and our lives as it is.” 

  ~ Tara Brach



Rays of light break through the foggy illusion of control to reveal the beauty of radical acceptance. Accepting yourself, your life, other people and your true nature, is a radical concept. Through acceptance you’ll be empowered to initiate change as needed.  

Accepting yourself just the way you are is an act of self-love. It frees you from the false belief that you’re not good enough. The radical idea of total self-acceptance allows you to break the trance of your ego by letting go of anxiety about imperfection.

Accepting your life is a radical approach because it doesn’t always go your way. When life appears to be going the wrong way it’s an opportunity to look within to see how your outer life is a reflection of your inner life. Change happens from the inside out. 

Accepting others when you disagree with them is a radical response. Your ego jumps into fear mode with its need to be right. Your soul goes towards love, which expands your capacity to allow others to find their own way on their human journey. 

Accepting your true nature is a radical perspective for the ego. Once you challenge the limitations of your physical self you’ll discover your true potential and see life from a spiritual perspective. It’s a radical point of view to rise above the human condition.

Accepting food as a common denominator that connects us with one another and the earth is a radical thought. Think about the crops grown by farmers and consider all of the hands that made it possible for healthy, organic food to reach your table.

Radical acceptance is the essence of radical change. It means you live fully in the present moment where you have plenty of energy to change anything that needs changing. It makes sense to master creating reality rather than just surviving it.   


With love and light,

Carol Gutzeit

Blogger + Life Coach

 To schedule a free 30-minute coaching call email me at: carolgutzeit@shopdyi.com

November 12, 2021 — Carol Gutzeit

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