Appreciation is like a rainbow shining through the clouds. It can turn a dark storm into a brilliant epiphany when you realize that things are always working out for you. By appreciating what you already have the universe will deliver more to appreciate.
Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts.”  ~ Allen Cohen



When you add value to a home, it appreciates. Add value to your life with radical appreciation. Every life experience has contributed to the person you are today. By learning from the past you can move forward with greater wisdom.  
Appreciate your blessings, even when they're disguised as challenges. When you can appreciate everything in life you lower your stress, struggle, pain, and suffering. Find the hidden miracles within life's challenges. 
When you appreciate excellence you are cultivating this quality within yourself. Appreciation generates enthusiasm and being enthusiastic leads to excellence. Fill yourself up with positive intentions and notice how your energy expands.
Appreciation can be internal or external. As an internal experience it opens your heart, as an external observation it connects your heart. Both ways are good for your soul. Get in the habit of opening and connecting from an appreciative heart.
Appreciate your good qualities and watch them grow. Acknowledge the best qualities in others and see how they flourish. With this focused intention you will naturally experience more goodness to appreciate. 
Make a habit of appreciating your life. From the moment you wake up, start by appreciating that you’re awake, to the moment you rest your head on the pillow at night. End the day by appreciating all of your blessings.
Appreciate your food and bless all the hands that made it possible. Acknowledge the farmers that grew it; the truckers who transported it; the workers who stocked it; the clerk that bagged it; the one who paid for it; the hands that prepared it; and the ones who clean up after your meal. 


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Love and light,

Carol Gutzeit 

DYI Blogger/Life Coach

November 10, 2019 — Carol Gutzeit

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