I Am Ready for Adventure    


Life is an adventure. Each day is an opportunity to ignite your adventurous spirit and explore this beautiful world. Do something you’ve never done, go somewhere you’ve never been, meet people you’ve never met before, and see life as an exciting journey. 


The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt




Going on a daring adventure is a bold undertaking. It takes you out of your comfort zone into a world of exploration and exciting experiences. Reclaim the adventurous spirit you had as a child and enjoy your life to the fullest.


Your body craves adventure. It loves to move in new ways that stretch your skill level and strengthen your muscles. Engage in a new sport or activity that challenges you to unleash your inner adventurer.


Develop an adventurous mindset by trying something new every day. A new opportunity can be an adventure when you see the world through the eyes of an explorer. There is alway something to discover when you’re open to adventure. 


Being around people with a different point of view can be an interesting adventure. You may find yourself in unchartered territory where you have to navigate emotional waters. To enjoy this kind of adventure you’ll need to be anchored to your curious soul.


The adventurous road is often the one less traveled. You may need to veer off the beaten path to make your way through life as a free spirit. Your spirit will guide you on the most exciting journeys when you trust your intuition to show you the way.

Growing your own food is an adventure. Start by sprouting seeds in a glass jar. Before you know it you’ll have nutrient-dense sprouts to add to your salads and sandwiches. Explore the variety of choices from alfalfa and broccoli to radish, clover and more.


Create an adventurous lifestyle. Designate time to explore your outer world as well as your inner world; not knowing where you’ll end up is part of the adventure. When you head out into the world be open to new experiences that light you up; when you turn inward, be ready to experience your inner light.  


With love and light,


Carol Gutzeit

Blogger + Life Coach


To schedule a free 30-minute coaching call email me at: carolgutzeit@shopdyi.com



May 10, 2021 — Carol Gutzeit

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