Loving yourself means paying attention to your body, mind, heart, and spirit. As you focus on each part with compassion you will naturally cultivate genuine self-love in a balanced way. When you love yourself life gets easier.

"If you aren't good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you'll resent the time and energy you give another person that you aren't even giving to yourself." –Barbara De Angelis


Loving your body begins with self-acceptance. It needs acceptance to heal or change any parts that you've judged or rejected. When you look at your body in the mirror focus on the parts that are easy to love, then switch your focus to the parts that are harder to love, and accept them too. Your body will respond with healing and transformation.                                           

Loving your mind starts with attention. Pay attention to how you're using your mind or if it's using you. You can develop a healthy mindset by saying positive mantras to direct your mind towards what you want rather than what you don't want. The more you pay attention to your thinking the easier it will be to redirect your focus when necessary.

Loving your heart means giving yourself affection. Your heart center is the seat of your soul. Simply by placing both hands over the center of your chest and breathing deeply several times a day while saying "I love you" is a way for your soul to receive affection. 

Loving your spirit thrives on appreciation. Your spirit is always there for you and ready to guide you through life. When you trust your intuition enough to act on it you're demonstrating appreciation for your spirit. Appreciating your spirit allows you to identify with this sacred part of yourself.

Stop comparing yourself to others. You are unique and no one else can compare to you. Be your authentic self rather than trying to be like someone else. You are on your own journey and how your choose to show up every step of the way determines your happiness.

Venture outside of your comfort zone. Where your comfort zone ends, growth begins. When you discover that you can do something you didn't believe you could do, the reward is gratification. Self-love grows when you believe in yourself. 

Treat others the way you would like to be treated, and treat yourself the way you want others to treat you. Surround yourself with uplifting people who inspire and appreciate you. Choosing the company you keep is an act of self-care that is rooted in self-love.


To receive a free 30-minute phone coaching session with me on living your dreams, email me at: carolgutzeit@shopdyi.com


Love and light,

Carol Gutzeit 

DYI Blogger/Life Coach

February 23, 2020 — Carol Gutzeit


Tria said:

I am having a rough time explaining, encouraging and keeping my 12 year old son motivated to practice self will, self control and self development. Discipline is so necessary to us. Physically, emotionally and spiritually it is so key to the quality of life we choose to live. I would like to see a blog with your insights on self discipline to share with him. Maybe something new will resonate with him along with the other multitude of wisdom and insights we have been looking into.


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